By mentioning to be "a magical world where your dreams come true", Disney seeks to position its brand by appealing to the illusion of its youngest consumers, who believe and enjoy that magical world as they consider it to be real. In turn, it also targets a more adult audience, the parents of those children and even young adults who remember their childhood, and seek through Disney to return to that magical world far from the problems of daily life. Thus, through empathy and the generation of nostalgia, Disney captures a market that is receptive to its products due to the sentimentality they imply.
1. Betty ; 2. Betty ; 3. Candies
Absolute Advantage is when one can produce more output of a good per unit of input , comparatively than other .
Comparative Advantage is when one can produce a good's output by comparatively lesser opportunity cost (other good sacrifised) than other .
AI : Chocolates = 10 , Candies = 5
Betty : Chocolates = 30 , Candies = 10
As it can be seen : Betty can produce both of more - chocolates (30) & candies(10) than AI (10,5) . So, it has Absolute Advantage in both - Candies & Chocolates.
However, AI is twice more productive in chocolates than toffees (10,5) ; but Betty is thrice more productive in chocolates than toffees (30,10). Comparatively, Betty is more productive in Chocolates. So opportunity cost of Chocolate in terms of sacrifised toffees is less for Betty 0.33 (10/30) than AI 0.5 (5/10).
So, trade between them would be : Betty selling its comparative advantage good Chocolate , AI selling its less comparative disadvantage good Candies.
B) The sole criterion for Joanna's promotion was her effectiveness in meeting individual targets.
Joanna wants to guide her sbordinates in executing various projects but they are not proactively coming to her for advise. This indicates that before her promotion she was very good at doing work individually and most likely did not work collectively to achieve results.
Based on this background tlshe was promoted on the basis of her individual efforts and her staff are not comfortable coming to her for guidance, since this was not her style before promotion.
Her approachable nature in building a team would not have been a criteria, if not it would have resulted in greater request for guidance from subordinates.