Dear Diary.
We were seeing a moment of tension, here in South Carolina, I cannot help saying that I am concerned with the result that this moment will develop, but I cannot say how much it is necessary for the well-being of our colonies.
For months I have noticed an unreasonable exploitation of the British crown, which charges us high fees and taxes, but which does not convert these taxes into improvements for our society. On the contrary, the crown refuses to organize the colony, to promote laws and even to promote the success of our stay in America, as a result, South Carolina is in a constant moment of disorganization and corruption between everything and all the elements and inhabitants of this colony.
This irresponsibility of the British crown in relation to South Carolina, makes us, the colonists, to regulate the system of taxes and taxes that we are submitted. We will not pay for something you do not consider worthy. Although I acknowledge that I have a cultural duty to England, my moral values cry out that this charge is illegal, unfair and abusive and must be combated, even if it creates a conflict between the colony and Britain.
J. E.
Ivan the terrible, or Ivan IV, was the first tsar of Russia. During his reign he gained lots of land through creating a centrally controlled government
Roosevelt was criticized for his economic policies, especially the shift in tone from individualism to collectivism with the dramatic expansion of the welfare state and regulation of the economy. Those criticisms continued decades after his death.
Having more farmland during a war would allow for a larger capacity to produce food to feed the army. As the infantry is focused on the battle, things like food and other essential commodities increase in their intrinsic value because of what it represents, in that food gives energy to troops and the troops need energy to fight and win the war and/or battles. Napoleon and Frederick the Great are both attributed with saying "An army marches on its belly". Meaning fighting needs fuel and that fuel for soldiers is food, thus the importance of having a significant amount of farmland.