The United Nations has only four purposes stated in the UN Charter of 1945. These purposes focus mainly on the maintenance of world peace and security, on the harmonious relationship among nations, as well as on having cooperation in eliminating international problems and issues, and above all, be the center on achieving the first three purposes.
The five-year plans do not certainly justify the tremendous cost borne by the soviet people. This is because the plan only brought glory to Stalin but did not improve the welfare of the people as is reflected in the economic gap between the Soviets and other western democracies
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1. The idea of America expanded from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean is known as Manifest Destiny. This idea shaped the federal governments policy for almost the entire 19th century.
2. The Kansas-Nebraska Act was a law that allowed citizens to vote on slavery. This was introduced by Stephen Douglas .
3. Runaway slaves were brought back to their owners thanks to the Fugitive slave law.
4. The Dred Scott case concluded that slaves were not people, they were property. The lead judge in the case was Roger Taney .
5. Uncle Tom's Cabin was a famous book written by Harriet Beecher Stowe.
6. Robert E. Lee was the person who captured John Brown.
7. Frederick Douglass was a leading abolitionist in American society.