Answer pick one.The Mexican government refused to recognize Texas’s independence, so the two nations were still at war. Houston also needed to persuade other nations to recogonize Texas as being independent. The new president faced financial prob- lems as well. The government had debts from the Texas Revolution and no money with which to repay them. Native Texans, who had remained peaceful during the Revolution, resented the growing number of settlers invading their territory. Now they threatened to declare war.
The ancient Egyptian royal families were almost expected to marry within the family, as inbreeding was present in virtually every dynasty. ... It is believed that the pharaohs did this because of the ancient belief that the god Osiris married his sister Isis to keep their bloodline pure.
The Mormons' hard work and determination helped the Deseret Flourish. For the following reasons:They carefully thought out TownsBuilt Canals for Their farmsTaxed property, regulated resources, founded industries and sold supplies to miners passing through Utah heading to California.And Those are reasons why the Deseret was able to flourish
Foreigners are expected to knee and now when meeting the Chinese officials
In respect of the picture attached, foreigners are expected to knee and now whenever they met with any Chinese officials.
This is in accordance to the chineses culture.
Bowing in the Chinese Culture doesn't only means greetings as it is widely considered.
It is also a sign of respect and also used when apologizing.