Ans: Under the Constitution, the House of Representatives has the power to impeach a government official, in effect serving as prosecutor. The Senate has the sole power to conduct impeachment trials, essentially serving as jury and judge. Since 1789 the Senate has tried 20 federal officials, including three presidents.
Historians generally recognize three motives for European exploration and colonization in the New World: God, gold, and glory.
Well the exact translation of Islam is submission. So the belief in the existence of the Islamic god Allah, as well as angels. Belief that the Quran is legitamite. Then there's other stuuf like the Gospel (showed to Jesus), the Torah (Moses), then finally Psalms (David). Bascially saying like submit yourself to Allah and what not.
Germany was part of the Axis Powers.
<span><span>A.decreased pollution
</span><span>B.increased water scarcity
</span><span>C.a shortage of arable land
</span><span>D.increased risk of famine</span></span>