A slave who escaped the south and went to the north even after declared free can be claimed by their owner which affected the slaves very badly because if they ran away and settled in a north territory, that they can be claimed by their owner and be a slave even if they are free.
Socialism describes any political or economic theory that says the community, rather than individuals, should own and manage property and natural resources.
● Situation 1
These laws should no more be applied. They present a clear example of Racism.
● Situation 2
Universities should open their doors to every student no matter what is his skin color, his origins...
A teacher has also the right to teach in a university if he is competent. Thsi sepration shoul no more be applied
● Situation 3
These cops should be punished and no more be police officers.
The United States added Oregon because of the treaty signhed with spain the qonis treaty
The United States of America is considered to be a representative democracy because American citizens elect officials serve as their representation in government. For example, a U.S. Senator. There are 100 Senators, 2 Senators representing each of the 50 States. Those Senators are elected by the inhabitants of their state for one reason; and that's because they will represent those inhabitants in government. This is why campaigning and appealing is so crucial to winning elected office; you want people to entrust you with the task of representing them.
A simpler way to imagine a representative democracy is like this:
Citizen ⇒ Representative ⇒ Government
The concept of a direct democracy differs from that of a representative democracy because unlike above, in which there is a "middleman" between the citizens and the government, there is no middleman in the case of a direct democracy. That is why it's "direct."