Option B: Human Resource Planning
Human resource management process involves human resource planning as a firstand major phase. it is the process by which individual analyzes and identifies the need for and availability of human resources so that the organization, firm or enterprise can meet its objectives. It is generally how a company is going to grow from hiring of staff, down to their training. the purpose of Human resource planning is that as a company evolve that is grow, the individuals with the right skill sets might not be here and so they move around talent or moving people out/ bring new people in.
Furthermore, top human resource (HR) executive and subordinates gather information from other managers to use in the developingof HR projections for top management to use in solid planning and settings company goals
Answer: Historians have identified the basic characteristics of civilizations. Six of the most important characteristics are: cities, government, religion, social structure, writing and art.
The framers of the Constitution wanted to create a third branch of the government, equal to the others. This is the federal judiciary. At the same time, they feared overreaching federal power, so they limited the power, or jurisdiction, of the federal courts. This has led to a dual court system, with each having its own key role.
According to the Interim Constitution of Nepal 2063, the nation is defined as "having common aspirations and united by a bond of allegiance to national independence, integrity, national interest, and prosperity, the Nepalese people endowed with multiracial, multilingual, multi-religious and multicultural specialties