The pharaoh Ramses II (RAM-seez) ruled from about 1290 to 1224 B.C.E., during the New Kingdom. Called Ramses the Great, he is one of the most famous pharaohs. He reigned for more than 60 years, longer than almost any other pharaoh. ... At the age of ten, Ramses was made a captain in the Egyptian army.
The answer is looking-glass self. The mirror self is a social mental idea, made by Charles Horton Cooley in 1902, expressing that a man's self becomes out of society's relational associations and the impression of others.
The looking-<span>glass self </span>is a social mental idea presented by Charles Horton Cooley. The idea of the no-glass self depicts the advancement of one's self and of one's character through one's reaction.
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Answer: Validity and Reliability
Explanation: If a certain model of interview is structured to identify different types of disorders and it proves to be accurate, that means it has validity and reliability, meaning that it can be taken into consideration when trying to evaluate if a person classifies or not among the disorder clusters specified in such interview.