This is known as congestive heart failure
Using equipment properly is important for the intended workout
...WOW... Well "Deku" use Detroit smash on the girl, no but seriously talk to her about this issue (which never works but everyone says to do it) . Just tell on her.
Correct answer is:
First aides are never needed to set themselves in a position which might place them in jeopardy. Learn, you cannot treat a victim if you become a victim yourself. If a first aider is asked in to dispense with a victim, they must forever retain to safeguard themselves in the initial occurrence and then evaluate the condition. Make sure the scene is secure, and make sure that your own individual refuge is beyond all else. Before you enroll in a scene, put on individual emergency supplies, particularly impermeable mittens. Only after these actions are performed can remedy of the victim start.
I believe the "an emancipated minor is a person over 18 years of age" in False.