Synonym for "lovable" is amiable.
It's NOT loveable... you're spell wrong!!!
Interest groups or pressure groups are composed of organizations or associations of people organized in a formal way, whose central objective is to influence the development of public policies for the benefit of their own interests and causes, through the use of lobbying.
The use of celebrity spokespersons is a common practice of gaining influence, which can be an effective practice if the personality and values of the celebrity in question are compatible with the policies they wish to gain influence from, as a celebrity has the advantage of having popular support for influence.
Serendipity has been recently discovered in the Portage-du-Fort area, Pontiac Regional County Municipality, Quebec. Dark blue, often polysynthetic twinned on {011} and with no cleavage, serendipity crystals occur exclusively in a calc-silicate rock. Fine-grained cathedral serendipity, sometimes poikiloblastic, occurs with aluminous diopside. Less commonly, serendipity may form decussate masses in the same rock type. Serendipity is biaxial negative, with indices of refraction α 1.685(2), β 1.700(2), and γ 1.712(2); 2Vmeas. = 93.6(4)°, 2Vcalc. = 91°. Orientation matrix is X ^ c = +20.5°, Y ^ b = -42.6°, and Z ^ a = -24.6°. Dispersion is strong, r 蠐 v, and there is no pleochroism. Serendipity is triclinic, space group P1¯ with cell parameters refined from an X-ray powder-diffraction pattern: a 10.035(2), b 10.423(3), c 8.648 (2) Å, α 106.47(3)°, β 95.91(2)°, γ 124.46(2)°, V 674.3(2) Å3. The seven strongest lines of the X-ray powder diffraction pattern [d in Å(I)(hill)] are: 3.328(45)(230), 3.029 (96)(012, 021, 1 22), 2.854(96)(01¯3, 03¯1, 120), 2.689(29)(31¯1), 2.604(95)(030), 2.469(100)(2¯1¯3, 033), and 2.357(28)(22¯3, 23¯3). The crystal structure determination refined to R = 2.1% for 3877 unique reflections. The borosilicate structure, a member of the aenigmatite-rhenate group, is composed of layers parallel to (011). Layers of tetrahedral chains cross-linked by octahedral polyhedral alternate with layers of octahedral chains cross-linked by square antiprism polyhedral sheets. Tetrahedral and octahedral polyhedral are partially ordered and site assignments were determined. All cation sites are disordered to some degree.
In terms of money I would say,
cycling: Advantage- Doesn't have to pay for classes necessarily, therefore saving money every month or so.
Disadvantage- Will have to invest in buying a bike if they don't have one initially.
Running: Advantage- Very cheap, barely needs any equipment if they don't want to invest in high quality gear e.g running shoes, running clothing
Disadvantage- (Not so sure on this one) Maybe because it's quite tiring?
Just carry on with the idea of money and how costly you think each one would be and how effective it is in the fittest side of things.
1. Tim and Nikki do not eat cheese.
2. Do you go to the park at the weekend?
3. Mark writes emails in the evening.
4. Will Simon walk to work?
5. We do not listen to a lot of music.
6. Loris does not drink beer.
7. Do Fergal and Siobhan live in Dublin?