<em>Necessary to protect consumers from harmful products</em>
the exchange rate and the trade deficit to decrease.
A deficit can be defined as an amount by which money, falls short of its expected or required value.
Generally, deficit in financial accounting is usually as a result of expense exceeding revenue or revenue falling below expenses at a specific period of time.
For instance, when liabilities exceeds assets or import exceeds export there would be a deficit in the financial account.
Generally, a deficit on the current account ultimately implies that the value of goods and services exported is lower than the value of goods and services being imported in a particular country.
In 2013, government began with a budget deficit and a trade deficit. During the year, the government changed its policy and is now running a budget surplus.
Hence, this change in policy will cause the exchange rate and the trade deficit to decrease if all other factors hold constant
Answer: Option (b) is correct.
Correct Option: Licenses
In United States, there is a licensing system which prohibits the number of taxicabs allowed. So, there are less number of taxicabs companies operates in most of the united states cities.
There is a advantage for the taxicabs companies for using the monopoly power.
Whereas, some of the cities of U.S use 'taxi medallions" as the permits for picking up the passengers.
According to functional job analysis, all jobs require workers to interact with data, people, and things. There are different ways to conduct a functional job analysis, but these ways measure workplace roles through established scales. These scales are usually categorized into seven categories: data, people, things, instruction, reasoning, math, and language.
Functional job analysis is the practice of examining job requirements and assigning a suitable candidate for that job or examining a candidate's qualifications and skills and assigning a suitable job to that candidate. It also works in reverse by not matching the wrong candidate with the job or vice versa. An obvious example is not hiring someone with no hands to do any job that requires lifting things. With only two types of jobs in a small business, this is not a difficult proposition. In a large company with thousands of people doing hundreds of different jobs, it can become a Gordian knot. It is up to the functional job analyst to become Alexander with the sword.
Learn more about functional job analysis: