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Southern states were critical to the war effort during World War II (1941-45) and none more so than Georgia. Some 320,000 Georgians served in the U.S. Armed Forces during World War II, and countless others found employment in burgeoning wartime industries. Their experiences were pivotal in determining the state's future development, and the war itself marked a watershed in Georgia's history. Because it occurred when important shifts in the state's politics, race relations, and economy were already under way, the war accelerated Georgia's modernization, lifting it out of the Great Depression and ushering it into the mainstream of American life.
<span>What three kinds of professionals may be involved in practicing psychotherapy? Clinical psychologist, psychiatrists and psychiatric nurses are three professionals that may be involved with practicing psychotherapy. Psychotherapy hopes to help their patients recover, understand new perspectives and have a solid, trusting relationship with themselves and others. These career fields hope to understand how unconscious motives determine behavior. </span>