Any law that uplifts human personality is just. Any law that degrades any human personality is is unjust. Segregation is politically, economically, and sociologically unsound, but it is morally wrong
La investigación social permite nuevos conocimientos o estudia una situación social para diagnosticar necesidades y problemas con el propósito de aplicar los conocimientos con fines prácticos de todos los tiempos (investigación aplicada).
The Native Americans used natural resources in every aspect of their lives. They used animal skins (deerskin) as clothing. Shelter was made from the material around them (saplings, leaves, small branches, animal fur). ... They used natural resources such as rock, twine, bark, and oyster shell to farm, hunt, and fish.
Preconceito é um sentimento afetivo em relação a uma pessoa ou membro do grupo com base unicamente na associação do grupo dessa pessoa