Do you know how to type In English
1. Likely a vet - as they take care of animals, especially those in pain.
2. Vague, but maybe a travel journalist as they are required to move around to learn more.
3. Architect - work on designing buildings, which fits the criteria.
4. Likely a lawyer because they are easier for rich clients to get, and they are of course in court fighting for their clients.
Religion is one of the most constant targets of Twain's satirical pen. In Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Mark Twain portrays contemporary religion as shallow and hypocritical. ... Some use religion as a tool to obtain wealth. The king, who twice poses as a preacher, is the epitome of the greedy evangelist.
Huck is not at all fond of religion. In the first chapter of the novel, he tells how Miss Watson and the Widow Douglas are constantly bombarding him with do's and don'ts and attaching religious significance to them. ... Huck believes the purpose of prayer is to get what you want.