Co-Ordination Difficulty: ...
Waste of Resources: ...
Larger Interests of the Enterprise Neglected: ...
Emergency Decision not Possible: ...
Lack of Qualified Managers: ...
Certain Activities Decentralization not Possible:
Shutter speed<span> is </span>generally measured<span> by the scientific symbol “s”. The </span>measurement means<span> that the </span>measurements<span> in "s" is the reciprocal of the number when the denominator is put on the numerator side instead. ... Aperture is </span>measured<span> by f's.</span>
Answer: a. RADIUS
RADIUS as developed with the idea of allowing its users or clients to be able to authenticate to a dial-in access server. So basically it is a client server protocol and he client here is the firebox and the server is the RADIUS server.
The authentication mechanism start by user who sends a message to the RADIUS server. Then the RADIUS server upon receiving the message accept or denies it. It accepts if the client is configured to the server.
A large amount of additional information can be sent by the RADIUS server in its Access-Accept messages with users so we can say that RADIUS is uitable for what are called "high-volume service control applications" such as dial-in access to a corporate network.
I am explain you in image