Johannes Gutenberg, although there are various examples of movable type from China (and Korea, to a lesser extent).
Your question wasn't very clear, but I think I understand what you want. Additionally, you should really state what language you're working with. Here it is in C#, and shouldn't be too much of a hassle to translate in to other languages.
Console.Write("Enter payment: ");
float payment;
if (float.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out payment))
Console.WriteLine((Math.Floor(payment * 100) / 100) * 0.15, + " at 15% tip.");
Console.WriteLine("Invalid input.");
Convergent network
In networking, computers devices are connected together to communicate and share resources. Devices like routers and switches are examples of intermediate network devices and computers, smartphones, tablets and IP phones are all examples of end devices in a network.
In the past, dedicated networks are installed for separate voice, text and video packets. But as information technology evolves, one network is used for all three packets. This network is called convergent network.