I would say...
C: Use graphics and content for educational purposes in small amounts if you give the creator credit.
UPS is abbreviation of Uninterrupted power supply. It is a battery backup devices useful when major supply is interrupted due to any reason.
It performs the following functions:
1. It provides protection from power surges.
2. Smooth out noisy power sources
Answer: Scope resolution operator(::)
Explanation: A member function and the constructor can be called within the function easily but for the execution of the these components outside the class , a special operator is required to call the functions. The scope resolution operator(::) preceding with the name of class is thus used for defining of the function outside class.This operator maintains the cope of the function and constructor outside the class.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
bool Greater(int x) { return x>3; } int main() { list<int>l; /*Declare the list of integers*/ l.push_back(5); l.push_back(6); /*Insert 5 and 6 at the end of list*/ l.push_front(1); l.push_front(2); /*Insert 1 and 2 in front of the list*/ list<int>::iterator it = l.begin(); advance(it, 2); l.insert(it, 4); /*Insert 4 at position 3*/ for(list<int>::iterator i = l.begin();i != l.end();i++) cout<< *i << " "; /*Display the list*/ cout<<endl; l.erase(it); /*Delete the element 4 inserted at position 3*/ for(list<int>::iterator i = l.begin();i != l.end();i++) cout<< *i << " "; /*Display the list*/ cout<<endl;
l.remove_if(Greater); for(list<int>::iterator i = l.begin();i != l.end();i++) cout<< *i << " ";
/*Display the list*/
cout<<endl; return 0;