Answer is an agency by estoppel.
Refer below.
Roberta introduces Steve to her friends as "my associate." Steve purports to act as Roberta's agent in several business transactions with those friends. If Roberta is liable for Steve's actions, it will be because their relationship is:
An agency by estoppel.
La expedición botánica fue comisionada durante el Virreinato de la Nueva Granada, y fue liderada por José Celestino Mutis, un botánico que dictaba clases en la Universidad del Rosario. El resultado de la expedición fue la identificación de más de 20,000 especies vegetales y 7,000 especies animales que habitaban el territorio neogranadino.
La comisión corográfica fue establecida décadas después, cuando la República de la Nueva Granada era una nación independiente. El líder de la comisión fue el geografo italiano Augstín Codazzi. El objetivo era trazar en detalle la cartografía de la nación, al igual que hacer una especie de inventario de sus características físicas, como relieve, vegetación, recursos, y demás.
Ambas comisiones fueron muy importantes para el desarrollo de lo que hoy es Colombia. La comisión botánica sirvió para entender mejor la enorme biodiversidad del país, mientras que la comisión corográfica mejoró el entendimiento de la geografía del país a todo nivel y de manera más general.
In 1493, after reports of Columbus’s discoveries had reached them, the Spanish rulers Ferdinand and Isabella enlisted papal support for their claims to the New World in order to inhibit the Portuguese and other possible rival claimants. To accommodate them, the Spanish-born pope Alexander VI issued bulls setting up a line of demarcation from pole to pole 100 leagues (about 320 miles) west of the Cape Verde Islands. Spain was given exclusive rights to all newly discovered and undiscovered lands in the region west of the line. Portuguese expeditions were to keep to the east of the line. Neither power was to occupy any territory already in the hands of a Christian ruler.
No other European powers facing the Atlantic Ocean ever accepted this papal disposition or the subsequent agreement deriving from it. King John II of Portugal was dissatisfied because Portugal’s rights in the New World were insufficiently affirmed, and the Portuguese would not even have sufficient room at sea for their African voyages. Meeting at Tordesillas, in northwestern Spain, Spanish and Portuguese ambassadors reaffirmed the papal division, but the line itself was moved to 370 leagues (1,185 miles) west of the Cape Verde Islands, or about 46°30′ W of Greenwich. Pope Julius II finally sanctioned the change in 1506. The new boundary enabled Portugal to claim the coast of Brazil after its discovery by Pedro Álvares Cabral in 1500. Brazilian exploration and settlement far to the west of the line of demarcation in subsequent centuries laid a firm basis for Brazil’s claims to vast areas of the interior of South America.
The correct answer among all the other choice is C. forbade religious teaching in schools. The Supreme Court's ruling in Engel v. Vitale forbade religious teaching in schools. Thank you for posting your question. I hope this answer helped you. Let me know if you need more help.