The Ming practiced isolationism to prevent foreign influences from undermining their values and society.
The term "Monroe Doctrine" wasn't used to describe these policies until many years later in 1850. President Monroe first presented the doctrine during his State of the Union Address to Congress on December 2, 1823. President Monroe also wanted to stop the influence of Russia in western North America.
One factor that led to the establishment of organized communities was simply the size of the migration movements, especially from the South, that required "grids" to be formed in many cities in the North.
In a democracy, it is essential that elections are regular and fair (option "A" is the correct answer). For electoral and representative systems, a democracy represents the citizens' essential right to choose their leaders in free, fair, and regular elections. The condition of "regular" implies holding elections periodically on a set schedule known to the electorate; while the concept "fair" determines that electoral laws have to offer equal conditions and opportunities for all political parties, candidates and citizens necessary to carry out the suffrage process without any obstacles that prevent the right to vote.
history shows that within the context of the development of texas politics, changes in -informal institutions- had to happen before other major changes could take place.