Morrie Schwartz is the focus of the book, <em>Tuesdays with Morrie</em> where he is a sociology professor at Brandeis University. He is described as an excellent teacher who enjoyed mingling with students until he was forced into retirement by Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS).
Before he lost his mobility, his Wednesday nights were often spent at Church Harvard Square for an occasion of sorts called “Dance Free” where he would wear a white t-shirt and black sweatpants and dance to whatever songs were played.
A hyperlink is a link that one can click on. It can bring the clicker to any website. An example of a hyperlink is www . brainly. c o m (I spaced it out as links are not allowed in Brainly answers). Specifically, these links can bring the clicker to a source of interesting facts about any topic.