The hacker which represents the highest risk to my computer is the Script Kiddie.
A Script Kiddie cannot make their own programs.
They hack by using existing codes, scripts, web shells etc to access a work station, mutilate webpages etc.
The difference between a Hacker and a Script Kiddie is that a hacker does not need another person's code. They are skilled at writing their own codes which are can be very potent. This level of skill can be difficult to attain except for very bright minds.
The script kid needs very little knowledge of scripts and they are well on their way to causing damage.
A pro of HCI technology is that its user friendly and a con about it is that you have to teach the user what to do or guide them!
This belief reflects an omnipotent view of management.
Answer:Web Application
Explanation:Web hosting is more or less like having an ordinary computer in the cloud in order share information and resources with others world wide.One cannot make effective use of a computer without software applications . Similarly hosting just normal html pages and documents on a server cannot help increase productivity,hence the creation of cloud computer applications also known as "Web Apps (Web Applications)" to aid boost productivity and information dissemination via quality task automations.