An argument should be supported by reasons and evidence. Select all the sentences that support rhe argument for a government-fun
ded space research and development program. A) "The United States has developed satellites, orbited humans around the Earth, and walked in space."
B) "In October, 1957, the world was awed by the first Earth satellite being launched into space by the former Soviet Union."
C) "Wouldn't it be reckless to rely on private businesses that must turn a profit?"
D) "We have been rewarded as we applied new technologies to bettering our daily lives."
E) "Those in the space technology business look forward to when they can sell tickets for people to travel in rocket-powered vehicles."
F) "That humble beginning of space exploration kicked off a race between the two world powers, the Soviet Union and the United States."
G) "Space has been on the mind of humans since they first gazed into the skies."
H) "The National Aeronautics and Space Administration was started in 1958..."