hey look I don't think anyones doing a full on essay for 5 points
i could for a bit more
B. Cross-train agents on both product lines
D. Implement a customer self-service portal
Cross-training is a way of teaching employees different aspects of the job so that they can have a measure of flexibility in the discharge of duties. Managers find this approach to be effective as they believe it saves cost and maximizes the usefulness of employees. It also helps to serve and satisfy a wider range of customers.
So for Universal Containers seeking to optimize cost without compromising customer satisfaction while managing two customer service contact centers, an effective way of dealing with the large call volumes is cross-training agents on both product lines so that they can attend to a wider range of customers. Cross-training agents on both product lines would make them more knowledgeable of the services being offered and this would minimize the need to transfer calls as all agents can provide information on the various products.
Implementing a customer self-service portal would also reduce the workload on the customer service agents as customers can access the information they need on their own.
Program for measurement in meters and then converts it into miles, feet, and inches:
void main()
{ float meter, mile, feet, inches;
cout<<"enter meters";
mile= meter×0.000621371;
inches= meter×39.3701;
cout<<"Value of"<<meter<<"meter"<<"in feet is"<<feet<<"feet":
cout<<"Value of"<<meter<<"meter"<<"in mile is"<<mile<<"mile";
cout<<"Value of"<<meter<<"meter"<<"in inches is"<<inches<<"inches";
B.Custom Themes
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