the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution
the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution specifically created to Granted citizenship , civil Treatments and legal rights to all people in united states regardless of their Race.
All of these rights are covered within the bill of rights, which added ten additional amendments to the constitution. Covering all rights such as the freedom of speech, the freedom to pursue happiness, the Rights to obtain informed consent, The rights to be valued and honored, etc.
State law is the body of laws for a state, but the rule of law is a principle.
The laws of a state are about the individuals laws each state can have in U.S. regarding some matters. While rule of law is a principle that highlights the sovereign of the law, which means all people, institutions and the government are under it. A constitutional theorist called Dicey wrote the rule of law should follow: “equality before law; presumption of innocence unless proven guilty and primacy of rights over Constitution”.
The writings of Adam Smith set forth the theory of capitalism.
There was alot of competion ... the soviet union actually ended up dropping out of the cold war because america had out spent them...they were trying to see how much better each other was in technological advances