Stress refers to a feeling of emotional or physical tension. This feeling usually comes from an event or an idea that makes us feel frustrated, angry or nervous. These pressures can force our bodies to react in particular ways, usually resulting in damage over long periods of time. However, stress can also be dependent on culture.
Different cultures find different situations stressful. For example, in some cultures, social acceptance or status is a constant source of stress, while in others, differences among individuals and lack of acceptance are not considered major problems.
As an example, we can look at the cultures of Japan and the United States.
In Japanese culture, social standing is an important source of stress. Japanese people feel a responsibility towards the rest of their community, which can lead them to prioritize others before themselves. The needs of the community and the approval of others can be important sources of stress.
On the other hand, in American culture, the individual tends to be prioritized. This means that Americans tend to feel more stressed when faced with personal problems, such as lack of individual success or prestige.This stems from a lack of personal recognition, rather than a sense of commitment or responsibility towards others.
B. Federal Goverment Weaknesses Caused by the articles of confederation
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In crossing the Thames River in a ferry boat that carried both passengers and their horses, she wrote in an entry dated “Thirsday, Octobr ye 5th”: “Here, by reason of a very high wind, we mett with great difficulty in getting over—the Boat tos’t exceedingly, and our horses capper’d at a very surprizing Rate, and set us all in a fright.”
The following day, after traveling for miles over roads that were “very bad, incumbered with rocks and mountainous passages,” Sarah Knight came to “a bridge under which the river ran very swift, my horse stumbled, and very narrowly escaped falling into the water, which extremely frightened me.”
Congress helps pass laws that the president approves
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