Dude what do need help with??
Out of all of them I would say CHRIS bc your supposed to run in comfortable shoes for your feet's sake ( so that's a no to Chantelle). You are supposed to run with your arms swinging beside you or however just not still like kevin bc that burns energy you may need to finish the run. You are supposed to lengthen your stride, taking short strides for 1 burns energy and 2 it takes longer. hope this helps.
Fluid requirements vary among individuals based on age, sex, activity level, and even where you live,. Your personal fluid requirements also can vary each day, depending on the other things you're doing, eating, and drinking.
The health authorities commonly recommend eight 8-ounce glasses, which equals about 2 liters, or half a gallon.
1. Aim to eat healthy foods at least 75% to 80% of the time
2. Eating a well balanced diet means eating a variety-of foods from each of the 5 foods groups daily, in the recommended amounts.
3. Dieting is a short term processes and a lifestyle change to long term.
4. Losing weight a lot can make problems like muscle loss and gallstones etc