April is the <u>fourth month</u> of the year in the Gregorian calendar, the fifth in the early Ju.lian, the first of four months to have a length of 30 days, and the second of five months to have a length of less than 31 days.
Answer: C). Sensory neurons, D).motor neurons
Explanation: Sensory neurons are nerve cells that carry signals from the external parts of the body such as the skin, eyes, ear, nose (the sense organs) to the brain.
Motor neurons are nerve cells that carry information or messages away from the central nervous system ( brain and spinal cord) to the rest of the body such as the skin, muscles and glands.
Answer: C polluted water and soil can cause many deseases and side effect towards humans
Synchroniser switch is in the "on" position.
A. Polysaccharide, this is because polysaccharides have cellulose which make the grass stand up.