The answer is false <span>The reason why main heart failures and blood vessel clottage is mainly caused by the accumulation of lipids specifically bad cholesterol. </span>
During this phase, the cell makes a variety of proteins that are required for DNA replication.
the DNA is smaller than the chromosome by just a bit and 300 miles of DNA fit into a nucleus.
lvl 2 - Molecules consist of atoms
lvl 3 - Cells consist of molecules
lvl 4 - Organisms consist of cells
lvl 5 - Populations consist of organisms
lvl 6 - Communities consist of populations
lvl 7 - Ecosystems consist of communities interacting with their environment
lvl 8 - The biosphere consists of all ecosystems on Earth
DNA polymerase
DNA polymerase enzyme catalyses the reaction of adding nucleotide to growing complementary daughter strand of DNA in the direction of 5' → 3' during elongation in the process of replication. This process requires energy which is taken from nucleotides with three phosphate groups in their backbone similar to ATP (adenine triphosphate)
DNA Replication is when DNA multiplies and make exact copies of itself as part of gene transfer.