Hi. When searching for your question on the internet, I was able to find another question exactly the same as yours that had answer options, which you didn't show in this question. These answer options are in the attached image below and the correct answer is option B.
As shown in the question, the Andersen and Bem experiment was a replication of the getting-acquainted telephone study by Snyder, Elizabeth Tanke, and Berscheid, the difference being that the Andersen and Bem experiment used photos of men and female volunteers, while the other experiment featured photos of women and male volunteers. In the two experiments, the results were similar.
In these results, the researchers noticed that volunteers tended to think they were talking to people they found attractive when looking at the photos. In this case, volunteers were more open and more likely to keep in touch with those they thought were attractive people.
FBI: Federal Bureau of Investigation
IRS: Internal Revenue Service
FCC: Federal Communications Commission
NCAA:<---- there are many abbreviations to this, in what context are you looking at?
Peasants grew the crops and tended the livestock. They usually rented land from lords of manors. They pay their rent to these lords in the form of either livestock or harvest. They made money by selling the surplus they produce, so that they can buy goods that they need. Eventually, if they make enough surplus and sell them, they can pay off the Lord with cash, instead of just livestock and harvest, which is more convenient both for the lord and the peasant.
Sometimes, poorer peasants who cannot afford to rent land work for wealthier peasants, so that they can help they can help the wealthier peasants pay the lord, make money and also make money themselves without paying a lord.
The correct answer is: d) Nostalgia represents a preoccupation with self that is meaningless and is evidence of egocentrism.
Life review refers to the universal mental process or inner experience that occur in elders or people who have near-to-death experiences and might be thought of as viewing a movie of the person's entire life as a reminiscence, contemplation or review. Becoming aware of our own mortality and vulnerability migh provoke stress, anxiety or depressive symptoms, while one comes to evaluate their journey in relation to others and to oneself.
Recent studies support the idea that evoking nostalgia has a positive effect on psychological well-being of people going through this process. Thus, nostalgia cannot be thought as meaningless. Furthermore, the oppposite is true: nostalgia can change the state of mind from negative to positive reminiscense.