because Ganglia were the evolutionary precursor to the centralized concentration of neurons that we now call a brain.
I don’t think any of them because they are all conditions that can’t be treated but I think that it would probably be Cerebral palsy or Huntington’s but I’m not sure
Team nursing is a model that utilizes a team approach to care for patients in the acute care setting. In this lesson, we will review the definition, pros, and cons of the team nursing model, and look at some examples.
Answer: The potential sources of vitamin B-12 are:
--> Hard boiled egg and
--> Yogurt
Vegetarians are individuals that involves in a dietary practice whereby they avoid some foods such as meat and by products of meat. This is practised by these individuals either due to the health benefits or for some religious beliefs.
There are different types of vegetarians, these include:
--> strict vegetarians
--> lacto vegetarians
--> Ovo vegetarians
--> Pesco vegetarians
--> partial vegetarians and
--> lacto Ovo vegetarians.
LACTO OVO VEGETARIANS are those vegetarians that exclude meat, poultry, and fish but take plant-based foods, dairy products, and eggs. They can obtain vitamin B-12 from hard boiled eggs and yogurts. This is so because, Vitamin B12 is naturally found only in animal foods such as meat, fish, seafood, poultry, eggs, milk, yogurt and cheese. Since the lacto ovo vegetarians do not feed on meat, fish or seafood, the potential sources of vitamin B-12 for a person who follows a lactoovovegetarian dietary pattern are hard boiled egg and dairy products such as yogurt
A lot of bias do exist. Health care professional can assess personal negative biases or prejudices by;
- Getting to known the basic understanding of the cultures from which your patients come.
- Evaluate medical personnel
- Understanding and respecting the scope of unconscious bias.
- Individuation
- Institutionalize fairness.
Individuation is simply known to be the act of evaluating people based on their personal characteristics rather than those affiliated with their group.
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