Answer:: the quality or state of cohering: such as. a : systematic or logical connection or consistency The essay as a whole lacks coherence
The definition of coherent is sticking together or easy to understand. A group of people who vote the same way is an example of coherent. A person who speaks clearly and makes sense is an example of coherent
Answer: In the sentence, Fred sent his Grandmother an emall all on his new computer, 'his grandmother' is an indirect object.
Indirect object of any sentence is its noun or pronoun that obtain the action of a Verb in an indirect manner. To know the indirect object, ask the question of 'to whom', 'for whom', or 'for what' and the answer to this question will be the indirect object. In the sentence, 'Fred sent his Grandmother an emall all on his new computer' - Fred is a subject, sent is a verb, an email is a direct object and his grandmother is an indirect object. To whom did Fred send an email? His grandmother.
Abused people respond well to love, but they usually don't believe it's real. They wonder why they aren't being hurt or why there is no pain in their love. If they are in a relationship with someone who abuses them, and they never got help as a child, they will continue to be abused and hurt. If they did get help as a child, they will, most likely, walk out of the relationship. On the other hand, people who had good childhoods will respond 'normally' to love, getting out of bad relationships, and staying in good ones.
Answer: copyright, foreward, and table of contents