The correct answer is b.
The process begins in the Executive Branch the year before the budget enters into force:
• Federal agencies design budget projects and submit them to the Office of Management and Budget of the White House (OMB)
• OMB uses agency projects as it develops the President's budget proposal.
How did the American economy change in the 19th century?
From the era of Reconstruction to the end of the 19th century, the United States underwent an economic transformation marked by the maturing of the industrial economy, the rapid expansion of big business, the development of large-scale agriculture, and the rise of national labor unions and industrial conflict.
Answer: Lawlessness and crimes we're becoming the thing of the day in the Indian territory, the Federal government had to set up a district court that covers the territory
Lawlessness and crimes we're becoming the thing of the day in the Indian territory, the Federal government had to set up a district court that covers the territory. These conditions existed based on how the federal government had set up Indian territory law
I would say that The political and economic planks of the Populist platform came directly from the Ocala Demands of the Farmers Alliance - the subtreasury program, the free coinage of silver, an end to protective tariffs on manufactured goods, the abolition of national banks, a progressive federal income tax,