Among the options, lupus can be the best answer. Lymphatic diseases can affect one's lymph,nodes and lymph vessels. Lupus is a systemic autoimmune disease occurring when one's immune system attacks one own tissues as well as organs. It can affect different systems in the body.
An organism can't chose to have a mutation because it depends on the way they are born. If they are missing some type of mineral, (Protein, Vitamin, etc.) they will have a mutation because they're missing that. Well, something similar to a mutation is natural selection and genes. For example, there are some short and tall giraffes. The tall ones can reach the tree and the short ones can't so they die and the tall ones can reproduce and their offspring will inherit that trait
Competition will occur between organisms in an ecosystem when their niches overlap, they both try to use the same resource and the resource is in short supply. Animals compete for food, water and space to live. Plants compete for light, water, minerals and root space.
I remember back in 10th grade I learned that birds that had beaks that were easier to break the seeds carried those traits to their babies and the whole area had that type of beak since it was necessary to break some seeds. So the beaks that were a disadvantage no longer existed and the beaks that became an advantage passed along to all the other birds.
Side note: if they all had the same beak they could all fight for the same type of seeds and probably have some sort of intense competition but idk if that’s necessary