They felt as though the place that they lived in were sacred, and that the land and animals living on the land, should be treated with respect. Their religion believed that bears were their ancestors, and that you should not hurt them unless it was very necessary. They believed that they should never let things go to waste, like when they cut down trees, they use everything for a different purpose. Same went with buffalo.
It was a sunny afternoon<u> </u><em><u>in late October</u></em><em> </em>(prep=adv). Muriel and I had decided to check properties for sale in the countryside. We had always enjoyed toying with the idea of<em> </em><em><u>finding</u></em><u> </u><u>(np)</u> the perfect place<u> </u><u><em>to live </em></u><em>(</em>inf=adj). So we got into the car <u><em>to start as soon as possible</em></u><u> </u>(inf=adv). <u><em>After driving</em></u> (part) for hours we reached the spot, a stretch of fields forgotten <u><em>in the middle of nowhere. </em></u>(prep=adj). We had been told about this lonely place by my uncle Bob<em>, </em><u><em>the hermit</em></u><em> </em>(app).<u><em>To be </em></u><em>standing there in the absolute silence </em>(inf=n) of the place was unnerving. <em>We could hear the blades of grass rustling against each other and smell the strong stench of cows grazing nearby.</em> (compound)<em>Never had we been away from the city or felt the isolation of a rural area for this reason we rushed back to the car and drove back to our apartment as fast as we could.</em> (compound-complex).