Answer: The solution is (4, -4)
Step-by-step explanation:
Rectangular form:
z = -2.1213203-2.1213203i
Angle notation (phasor):
z = 3 ∠ -135°
Polar form:
z = 3 × (cos (-135°) + i sin (-135°))
Exponential form:
z = 3 × ei (-0.75) = 3 × ei (-3π/4)
Polar coordinates:
r = |z| = 3 ... magnitude (modulus, absolute value)
θ = arg z = -2.3561945 rad = -135° = -0.75π = -3π/4 rad ... angle (argument or phase)
Cartesian coordinates:
Cartesian form of imaginary number: z = -2.1213203-2.1213203i
Real part: x = Re z = -2.121
Imaginary part: y = Im z = -2.12132034
Once your friend has thought of a number, do the following:
1. Ask him or her to multiply the chosen number by 2.
2.Choose an even number to use yourself. Ask your friend to add this number to the one in his head.
3.Tell him/her to divide the new number by 2.
4.Tell your friend to subtract his original number from the equation.
5."Guess" the number.