The outstanding features of Hawaii's climate include mild temperatures throughout the year, moderate humidity, persistence of northeasterly trade winds, significant differences in rainfall within short distances, and infrequent severe storms.
OH radicals that convert pollutants to less harmful components.
If a species cannot reproduce then it will die out. This depends on the climatic conditions of the region. If there is a natural disaster, for example, it will affect a species' ability to reproduce. This reduces the number of diverse species on earth. Biodiversity is the recognised variety of different types of life found on the earth. It also measures the variety of number and variety of plants, animals and other organisms found in different ecosystems.
Since the 2 species co-inhabit a similar home ground, home ground isolation will be forgotten as an element keeping the 2species separate. There are but another broad class of mechanisms for reproductive isolation. One is behaviour. several birds specifically have terribly specific coupling rituals, together with coupling dances, specific birdsong, the event of specific coupling animal material, the discharge of specific pheromones and the building of a selected nest structure. Another broad class is mechanical isolation. you'll notice that the reproductive organ organs of specific species are terribly specific, and preclude different shut species from with success coupling. Another broad class is gametic isolation. for many species combos, it's inconceivable for the gametes to fuse with success to make a hybrid. If hybrid games do fuse, in several cases, the hybrids sterile, like mules as an example.
nuclear waste has radiation, which is harmful to humans, so nuclear waste has to be stored in special facilities. Nuclear waste takes a lot longer than regular waste to decompose too.
musculer system is important part of our body. Muscles hold our bones together and helps them to move.
so if we don’t have muscles in our body, we won’t be able to move. we won’t be able to open and close our mouth. eyes etc. we can’t move our any body part.
no smile, no cry, and even we would not be able to breathe.