Yes, when a universal kiosk browser (chrome books) being used in the lab during test and exams is protected by avoiding the students to check the answers in the online.
Universal kiosk browser is helpful to display the content on the web on Chrome books. Chrome books are being safe to make student assessment processes. With the help of this, accessing websites to find the answer to the questions in the assessment process by the student is being avoided.
Answer / Explanation:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
int userNum = 0;
userNum = 20;
cout << userNum << " ";
while (userNum > 1)
userNum = userNum/2;
cout << userNum << " ";
cout << endl;
return 0;
However, we should note that the above codes divides properly but when it gets to 0, it will always give output as 0 instead of terminating the program.
Hence to make it terminate, we include:
while (userNum > 1)
cout << userNum << " ";
userNum = userNum/2;
The above code alternatively should be replaced with int userNum = 0; .
Also, for the sake of industry best standard and the general principle, we can say:
The general principle is:
while ( <conditional> )
// Use the data
// Change the data as the last operation in the loop.
A for loop provides natural placeholders for these.
for ( <initialize data>; <conditional>; <update data for next iteration> )
// Use the data
If you were to switch to using a for loop, which I recommend, your code would be:
for ( userNum = 20; userNum > 0; userNum /= 2 )
cout << userNum << " ";
Answered below
//Program is written in Java.
public void first three elements(int[] nums){
int I;
//Check if array has up to three elements
if(nums.length > 3){
for(I = 0; I < nums.length; I++){
while (I < 3){
System.out.println(nums [I]);
System.out.print("Array does not contain up to three elements");
Availability is an essential part of Network security, and user behavior analysis and application analysis provide the data needed to ensure that systems are available.