A GUI (graphical user interface) is a system of interactive visual components for computer software. A GUI displays objects that convey information, and represent actions that can be taken by the user. The objects change color, size, or visibility when the user interacts with them.
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A critical thinker is someone who is actively engaged in a thought process. Active thinking is that process of making judgments about what has happened while critical thinking involves a wide range of thinking skills that eventually leads to a desired outcome. Active thinking prompts learning during complex problems situations and provides learners with an opportunity to think about how a problem will be solved. As a result, it will help them evaluate, analyze, and intercept information.
d. Information governance board
In 2004 <em>Intel </em>was in need of a governance process as part of the company’s policy of <em>Intel’s Information Management (IMM)</em>. Such policies and governance were important in the corporation’s process in order to mirror the local laws as well as to reproduce Intel’s dynamic nature of its activities as a corporation. The <em>Information Governance Boards </em>were intended for every main data area of the company: <em>location, item, finance, customer, supplier, and worker</em>. Such Governance Boards would engage business people in the company to embrace the stipulated policies also with the purpose of proptecting information.