although there were several purposes to these the primary purpose of corporate shareholder trusts that were created in the late 1800s was to A to limit competition
Declaration of independence has its emotional as well as socio-ecomic sides.
the country will be replublic and independent on global stage if it has it's own constitusion and is free from any foriegn power
Judicial Review
Marbury v. Madison was an important Supreme Court case because it granted the court system the power of judicial review.
The Babylonian Exile was the forced detention of Jews in Babylonia after the conquest of the kingdom of Judah in 598 and 587 BCE.
The exile ended after 70 years when the Persian conqueror Cyrus the Great gave permission to the Jews to return to Palestine
Some of them did not return it ha been 70 years since the destruction of Jerusalem, many were unable to endure the journey of approximately 900 miles, other were born during the exile and that was their city. Also, many Jews attained a significant status during the reign of Cyrus and were comfortable there.