The employer must obtain and provide the worker with a copy of the evaluating healthcare professional’s written opinion within 15 days of completion of the evaluation.
Further Explanation:
Exposure event should be account instantly to the employer. exposure, This can lead to infection with hepatitis C virus (HCV), hepatitis B virus (HBV), human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), and other bloodborne pathogens. When a worker reports an exposure event, the employer should provide instant medical checkup for employer. Early diagnosis help to address the problem and also help to protect other workers from blood-borne infection. Also employ should get routine checkups and find some ways from occurring this exposure again.
A worker who is involved in post-exposure evaluation and follow-up may approval to have his blood drained for the purpose of a baseline infection condition. The worker has also the option to refuse to give approval for HIV testing. The post-exposure records include guidance of worker regarding the possible circumstances of the infection status and exposure, as well as the results and explanation of all tests and how to avoid personal contacts. The follow-up must also include an assessment of information regarding illnesses that is related to the exposure.
The employer has to obtain and give the worker with a copy of the evaluating healthcare professional’s written opinion within 15 days of completion of the evaluation. The written opinion should include whether a worker exposed to hepatitis B vaccination or not. The healthcare provider informed the worker about the estimation and medical conditions arrived from contact with blood.
Learn More:
1. Learn more about the effects of vigorous exercise on cardiorespiratory system
2. Learn more about the structure of epithelium and connective tissue
3. Learn more about the secondary function of the lymphatic system
Answer Details:
Grade: High School
Subject: Health
Chapter: Disease
Blood, worker, employer, health, blood-borne disease, medical, opinion, hepatitis B virus, infection.