<em>The Magic of Oz relates the unsuccessful attempt of the Munchkin boy Kiki Aru and former Nome King Ruggedo to conquer Oz. The novel was dedicated to the Children of our Soldiers, the Americans and their Allies, with unmeasured Pride and Affection.</em>
Nobody knew where they were. Nobody had an idea as to when they disappeared. Everyone was worried that they had been kidnapped by someone evil. Leo, Carlos, and Zealand have been reported missing since las saturday but nobody knows for sure when they disappeared. The police made search parties to help find them. Many suspected that they went too deep into the forest and got lost. A woman, in her late 70's told the policemen that anyone who goes too deep in the forest at night, never gets found. The policemen didn't listen to her, because everyone knew her as "Crazy Maylie". Something they didnt know that I knew was that for once, she was right. the stories have it that anyone who dares roam too deep into the lakewood forest after 12am, never make it out. I being who I am, decided to test the theory. I packed 3 puddings, vanilla flavored. I packed a sandwich, a galon of water and a whistle, in case I was lost. At 1:26 in the morning, I started to head into the Lakewood forest. I walked, in complete darkness. Only the moon provided a bit of light. My phone lost signal and my flashlight wouldnt turn on after I reached a certain depth of the forest. My mom must have found out by now that im missing. But I didn't care. I wanted to be the hero and save my friends.
b) Zitkála-Šá traveled with several other children to a missionary school in the east. She was treated much differently at school than at her home, which caused her anxiety and pain. Her first night at the school, she cried herself to sleep, grieving the absence of her mother and aunt.
The arrival of Sa's at school was traumatic. All the kids got haircuts. Only enemy-captured cowards got haircuts in Dakota culture. Zitkala-Sa hid in a vacant room. The school personnel brought her out, strapped her to a chair, and chopped off her braids as she wailed. She later said that school employees didn't care about her sentiments and treated children like "little animals."
After a few years, Zitkala-Sa was allowed to visit her mother during school breaks. Her mother urged her to quit school during the visit. Later, she said, visiting home was sad. The teacher returned. She may have felt that she didn't belong on the reserve, like many children. School altered her.
I believe that the best answer among the choices provided by the question is <span>4. New experiences can bring unexpected rewards</span>
Hope my answer would be a great help for you. If you have more questions feel free to ask here at Brainly.