Abiotic features are not living. they may play a role in helping biotic creatures live, but them theirselves do not live.
The tissues of multicellular, complex animals are four primary types: epithelial, connective, muscle, and nervous. Recall that tissues are groups of similar cells group of similar cells carrying out related functions.
A. The organism has a large nose, because it's homozygous.
Cell membranes are selectively permeable which means it allow certain molecules to move across it into and out of the cell. Cells need to be able to transport these substances to live and grow.
Transport of ions, water maintains the osmotic pressure of the cell. Transport of sugars like glucose is necessary to generate energy for the metabolic activities of the cell. Gases like CO2 are waste products of metabolic reaction which are removed by the cell through the cell membrane. Amino acids are required to make proteins.
Transport across cell can occur through active and passive transport and transport of these substance are necessary for a cell to live and function properly.