Is an animal that can be dependent or able to get internal generation from heat. So basically a warm blooded animal.
I do not know if it’s a bad thing but it’s okay so if you don’t do have a great day
Difussion,semipermeableand osmosis
There are basically 3 types of pharynx- nasopharynx, oropharynx and laryngopharynx.
The function of the pharynx are:-
1. To transport the food from mouth to esophagus.
2. To warm, moisten and filter the air, before it moves to the trachea, and then to the bronchi, the bronchioles, the alveoli and at last to the lungs.
Therefore, pharynx(or throat) is a part of both- digestive and respiratory systems.
3. It is also important for vocalization.
Monospermy and Physiological Polyspermy. In general, the entry of more than two spermatozoa into the egg cytoplasm, referred to as polyspermy, causes aberrant effects on meiosis completion or embryo development and hence embryonic death, due mainly to excess male centrosomes delivered into the egg.