Answer: Gene Pool
Gene pool is the collection of all the gene and various allelic form of those gene within a population.
Variation naturally occurs among the gene of members of the same species that interbreed.
Gene pool It is therefore the total number of gene of all the members among the population of a particular species. Gene pool is used to determine the level of mutation, variation, genetic diversity among members of a population.
The water cycle is also referred to as the hydrologic cycle.
The Gestalt Principles are a set of laws arising from 1920s’ psychology, describing how humans typically see objects by grouping similar elements, recognizing patterns and simplifying complex images. Designers use these to engage users via powerful -yet natural- “tricks” of perspective and best practice design standards.
Well assuming the original cell is a prokaryotic, you wouldn't be able to remove the nucleus because prokaryotic cells don't have a nucleus to begin with. if this doesn't help then: The cell would lack genetic information.
Flower because the others are a organ which make the plant live but the flower is more of a decorative thing to make the plant stand out