Packaged software is a compilation of programs which are grouped together in order to provide publicly with different tools in the same group.
Custom software is a specific program that are advanced for a goal in a department or in a company.
Log in to on a browser
On your browser which should be a supported browser, you should log in to since iCloud is not supported on mac OS X earlier than mac OS X Lion 10.7.5
What is the problem what am I supposed to do?
See the below the answer written in Matlab
function inches=feetToInches(feet)
prompt='enter the value of feet in digits';
feet=input(prompt)% ask for the value in feet that needs to be converted to inches
inches =feet*12; % converts feet to inches
x=['the value in inches is: ',num2str(inches)];
disp(x) %display the result of the convertion
Providing audio with images