23 chromosomes.
Meiosis is the process by which the chromosome number is halved during gamete formation. So chromosomes are 46 and get halved to 23 during the process of meiosis.
A contact lens (CL) can act as a vector for microorganisms to adhere to and transfer to the ... Thus, this detailed understanding of lens-related bioburden is important in the ... There are many other speculative causes of inflammation (lens deposits or ... Silver ions interact with the DNA of bacteria preventing cell reproduction, ...
A contributor to this problem has been our sketchy understanding of the normal ... and of the microbes that are leading causes of contact lens-associated infection, ... During contact lens wear microbes can enter the eye from the wearer's lid ... Lessons from DNA microarray analysis: the gene expression profile of biofilms.
Explanation:hope this helps
Cuando la levadura activa (viva) tiene tanto azúcar como oxígeno disponibles, "respira" mediante un proceso llamado respiración aeróbica. En esta reacción, las células de levadura utilizan glucosa (azúcar) y oxígeno (del aire) para producir energía. También producen agua y dióxido de carbono (un gas). Este es el mismo proceso químico utilizado por los humanos.
Carbon-14 has a half-life of 5,730 years. Taking one atom of 14C, this will either have decayed after 5,730 years, or it will not. But if this experiment is repeated again and again, it will be seen that the atom decays within the half life 50% of the time.
Down syndrome is an abnormality that occurs on chromosomes 21, it occurs because chromosomes 21 cannot be separated in meiosis, the pair of chromosomes 21 do not separate and go together to one of the daughter cells. In this way, the oocyte or the resulting sperm will have 24 chromosomes instead of 23. When in conception that oocyte or sperm joins the germ cell of its partner that contributes the 23 chromosomes, the total sum of chromosomes that will have the first cell of the new conceived being will be 47.