<span>The main trade-off that all investors must consider is Risk vs Return
In the end, all the techniques that implemented in investing process is aimed for nothing other than profit.
Current market trend dictates that potential return tend to be higher the riskier the investment is and vice versa.
An employee is having trouble opening a file on a computer.
- → ✔ <u>information services and support</u>
The president of a company wants to give the company website a fresh new look.
- → ✔ <u>interactive media</u>
An employee wants to work from home but can’t connect to the network from there.
- → ✔ <u>network systems administration</u>
The vice president of sales would like help designing a new software program to keep track of sales.
- → ✔<u> programming and software development</u>
D. all of these, since it depends on how the cell is formatted.
The socket which Intel recommends that one should use with a liquid cooling system is LGA 2011. LGA 2011, also known as socket R is a CPU socket manufactured by Intel. It was released into the market in November 2011 and it replaced LGA 1366 and LGA 1567 in the performance and high end desk tops and server platforms. Socket R has 2011 pins that touch contact points on the underside of the processor.