One of the U.S national interest is be a secure nation for all the population that lives there, enhancing the safeguard.
1. Prevent and stop the cyberattacks this will help to reduce notoriously the amount of violent situations in schools and also the percentage selfdestruction in youth. - Control the weapons sales and permissions as well.
2. Maintain the global balance of power between the authority and civilians, educate the population and eradicate the racism and unpunished deaths.
3. Ensure the viability and stability of global systems like trade, financial markets, supplies of energy and climate. Create training programs, adviser's offices, educate families and entrepreneurs about how the market can change and teach them how to be prepared, impose sanctions to the factories and companies that does not have values relatedwith the climate emergency and compel all the resources to make them do it.
World War I was the first time since the Berlin Conference of 1884 that European colonial powers fought each other on a large scale, and not over issues related to their respective colonies.
This situation implied a general weakening of the European powers, which neglected the affairs of their colonies to dedicate their efforts to solve the war and the well-being of their nations. Therefore, this caused the colonial powers to lose power in Africa, thus starting anti-colonial movements that deepened after the Second World War. In addition, in the war itself, many countries, such as Germany, lost their colonies to other nations, which caused the inhabitants of the colonies themselves to lose a sense of belonging to their colonizers.
I believe that a society can function in a state of anarchy only as long as all of the citizens residing in that state care for the public welfare as much as they care for their personal welfare. A society in which there is no structure cannot stand however a society with structure not upheld by a government can stand as long as all of the citizens residing inside of the society uphold it themselves. It must be a utopian society in which the golden rule is the law and no one violates it and remains in the community. For a society without structure will collapse.