1/2, 2/5, 6/10
To find the order from least to greatest, we are going to make all of these fractions have the same denominator, or bottom number.
The least common denominator would be 10, so that would be the denominator of all of these fractions.
Our first fraction is 1/2, so to get the denominator from 2 to 10, we are going to multiply the WHOLE fraction by 5.
Now, we go to the second fraction, which is 2/5. We are going to multiply the WHOLE fraction by 2, because 5*2=10.
Now, to our last fraction, 6/10, we are going to leave it alone because its denominator, or bottom number, is already 10.
So, now our fractions are: 5/10, 4/10, 6/10
The order would be 4/10, 5/10, 6/10
So, going back to the original fractions, it would be 2/5, 1/2, 6/10
~Hope I helped!~