You would put the cursor after the letter v in vermont and press back space and type a capital V to make it Vermont.
What does Bob [1] return?
What about Bob[-2]?
What about Bob[1:-1]?
How to get the length of Bob?
Las virutas son partículas que se eliminan mecánicamente de una pieza de trabajo mecanizada. En el contexto de la tecnología de fabricación, especialmente el mecanizado, el término se refiere principalmente a virutas de metal; En principio, sin embargo, las virutas se crean en todo tipo de mecanizado de cuerpos sólidos. Las astillas de madera son el resultado de la carpintería. Cuando se mecanizan plásticos, se crean virutas, así como cuando se mecanizan materiales minerales, cristalinos o amorfos como el vidrio, que a menudo se realiza mediante esmerilado.
Answer: To reuse a method means to use a code which has been done or prepared already and just we need to change some of the functionalities.
This helps a great deal of saving time as well as helps in making the code manageable.
This has been practiced since long that methods can be reused. for example we need to build a calculator in c. then we can simply reuse the same method just we need to change the sign of the operator. So in this process we can speed up our operations and work and also can make the code easy to understand and manage it when we have have to deal with large lines of code.